Led by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), several issues have been identified that need attention in any case, with a particular focus on aircrew medical fitness. A workshop by EASA, in early Dec. 2015, gathered numerous experts and stakeholders to discuss possible improvements to the system. This resulted in a number of EASA ‘Concept Papers’ that were open to stakeholder consultation in early 2016, followed by draft EASA ‘Operational Directives’ (ODs), in April, and subsequently a stakeholder consultation on draft regulatory measures, in June. These proposals were discussed at a 2nd EASA workshop, in mid-June (see agenda here), and subject to a targeted technical consultation meeting, in early Nov. 2016. The final EASA Opinion on Part-MED was published in Aug. 2016, while the Part-OPS related Opinion was published in Dec. 2016.
If there is one singular truth about pilots it is that they are just humans: ordinary people, who learn, work, get married or divorced, take care of kids or relatives. Behind the uniform are adult humans who are just as likely as everyone else to experience poor health or suffer things like anxiety, depression and chronic disease. Whether the result of everyday life stress or more serious mental illness, pilots sometimes need help. And help is available: via the multiplying Peer Support Programmes (PSP) across Europe.
For more information on Peer Support, visit the European Pilot Peer Support Initiative website www.eppsi.eu
The Importance of Pilot Medical Fitness and Where Europe Stands Now - Interview with Philip von Schöppenthau ECA Secretary General
Your AME shares the same aim as you: to keep you healthy,and flying safely. An ongoing relationship between you, the pilot, and your AME provides a firm basis for building up trust, enabling health promotion and facilitating better communication both during, and between, examinations. Most medical problems arise between medicals. The medical itself helps to identify, and thus prevent such problems. Find out more in the leaflet.