What is the issue?

Ensuring the safety and the security of the flights is the main task of every pilot. According to ICAO regulations, the pilot in command is responsible for the security on board of an aircraft. In particular since 9/11, the aviation industry has witnessed a proliferation of security measures both at national and at EU level which directly affect the pilots' daily working environment.

How is ECA involved?

ECA actively participates in the security-related legislative and regulatory activities of the European Institutions, contributing to the development and implementation of Europe's security rules. ECA is member of the Stakeholders Advisory Group on Aviation Security, which advices the Commission on security issues. ECA also participates in the meetings organised by NATO/Eurocontrol on ATM security and is active in the preparation of the security related provisions of the new EASA rules on Operations.

Why is the issue important to ECA?

It is paramount for pilots to contribute to high levels of security both on board of the aircraft and within the wider security chain. Pilots consider themselves as part of the solution to improve aviation security. Especially after the events of 9/11, many of the new security measures have a direct impact on the pilots' daily life. ECA tries to achieve the right balance between all issues at stake, working to obtain high levels of security which are compatible with the safety regulations, the viability of the industry, and the working conditions of crews.

Who is responsible?
  • Executive Board Director: Gianluca Carpino
  • Staff member: Kristína Gírethová
  • Working Group: Security (SEC WG)
  • Chair: Michael Petry


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