One of the biggest constraints in air traffic control today is the saturation of voice communication channels. Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications, CPDLC, helps alleviate this saturation by providing another means of communication for aircrews and air traffic controllers. It works through the fast exchange of text messages via data link.
What’s it in it for pilots? Here are the benefits:
These days, an issue facing aviation is how to increase human resources in parallel with steep traffic growth. Data link can help, as a 75% equipage rate of CPDLC will generate an estimated +11% ATC capacity!
So, by using data link in the cockpit, pilots can help their air traffic controller colleagues and, in exchange, they will benefit from a better service and fewer ATC capacity-related delays.
A fair number of air traffic control centres across Europe have already implemented data link services or are in the process of doing so. Our Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC) is an early adopter of CPDLC.
Aircrew flying CPDLC-equipped aircraft are encouraged to use the tool, for the benefit of all concerned.
To promote CPDLC, MUAC is giving away free red hangtags to aircrews. If you would like some – or if you have any questions or suggestions – please contact: muac.datalink@eurocontrol.int