‘Just Culture’, a concept still poorly understood outside of aviation world, has now advocates among the judiciary. A team of aviation safety professionals, trained in Just Culture principles, are available to support national prosecutors in need of aviation expertise. Experts can be requested to help prosecutors understand the details of aviation occurrences so prosecutors can make a well-informed decision whether a judicial investigation or criminal prosecution is necessary or not. This Prosecutor Expert Course is a joint initiative of EUROCONTROL, ECA & IFATCA and features active air traffic controllers and pilots who have been through advanced training.
In case you missed it – the webinar (Re)Fuelling Flight – gathered research organisations, environment groups, aviation stakeholders & decision-makers to discuss a number of critical aspects and key areas to succeed in ramping up production and use of SAF. The European Commission will very soon unveil its proposal to establish a SAF blending mandate as a key tool to decarbonise aviation. (Re)watch here.
An impressive line-up of ECA speakers at the upcoming EASA 360° conference (8-10 June) this time featuring 4 experts. On day 1, ECA’s Technical Board Director Tanja Harter discusses the operational challeges for pilots in the panel ‘New Safety Landscape’. Bert Bonke, ECA Flight Data WG chair, will shed light on Data4Safety’s first operational steps and provide a 360° view on ‘Approach Path Management’. On day 2, Felix Gottwald will discuss ‘Safe use of airspace’. And to wrap up on day 3, Rudy Pont will contribute to the 360° Workshop on monitoring of the COVID-19 Safety Issues with FDM.