Airline pilots’ employment and working conditions have been the focus of various European studies in the past. While most studies explore how new business models affect crews’ employment terms and conditions, little has been done to map the safety impact stemming from these changes. To fill this gap, this new survey is initiated by the Karolinska Institute – a renowned research-led medical university – aimed at airline pilots from across Europe.
The survey is a part of an ongoing research project on ‘sustainable flight safety’ – linking socioeconomic aspects, health and safety. In an earlier study, called “High flying risks” (2018), Karolinska Institute analysed the link between airline companies’ safety climate, working conditions and flight safety. Today, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to continue and deepen this research.
This survey therefore aims to collect data on European pilots' employment and working conditions, health/fatigue and experiences regarding flight safety in the ramp-up following the COVID-19 pandemic. Your participation is crucial to gain knowledge of what pilots' working conditions look like today, and how the work environment and aviation safety can be concretely improved.
In this confidential (EU 2016/679) survey, you will be presented with questions about yourself, your work as a pilot, and your health. The questionnaire consists of XX questions and the completion time is approximately 15 minutes. Your participation is solicited, yet voluntary. If you agree to participate, please be aware that you are free to withdraw at any point throughout the study. You have the right to ask that any data you have supplied to that point be withdrawn/destroyed, and to omit or refuse to answer any question that is asked of you. If you have any questions, please contact the Personal Data Controller dr. Marika Melin, using the contact information below.
The research project has undergone ethical review and was approved by the Regional Ethics Review Board in Stockholm (dnr 2016 / 250-31 / 12).
Marika Melin
Project Manager
Ph.D. Work and Organizational Psychology
Filippa Folke
PhD Student
Lic. Psychologist
Emil Lager
Research assistant
Lic. Psychologist