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Today’s aviation safety system primarily relies on technological progress, legislation overseen by regulatory authorities and lessons learned from investigations into accidents. This reactive approach, however, has shown its limits in the ability to generate significant safety improvements. And though challenges still exist, the new Occurrence Reporting Regulation is a step forward for an ever safer aviation.
See the evolution of the European regulatory framework on occurrence reporting!
The new EU Regulation 376/2014, repealing EU directive 2003/42/EC, is in force as of 15th Nov 2015. Following the preceeding Directive that had already established the basis for mandatory safety occurrence reporting systems, it went some steps further. The shortcomings, in particular, the lack of protection of the reporters, the lack of harmonisation in the occurrence data collection and integration leading to low quality reports and incomplete information, as well as the lack of requirements regarding safety analysis and recommendations were identified and addressed.
Given these shortcomings, the EU Commission proposed a new Occurrence Reporting Regulation (ORR) in Dec 2012 and put it into effect in Nov 2015. This new piece of legislation shifts the focus from a ‘reactive’ system to a pro-active, risk- and evidence-based system. It also acknowledges that safety occurrence data is vital to allow for the timely identification and management of potential safety hazards – and acts upon this before these hazards turn into an actual accident.
The ORR proposal therefore set up a comprehensive framework and standards for reporting, collecting, storing, protecting and disseminating the relevant safety information. It also introduced requirements on information analysis and adoption of follow-up safety actions at national level.
…was the core objective of the proposed ORR. To achieve this, the focus needed to shift from taking ‘corrective’ action after an accident has happened to the prevention of air incidents and accidents. The best approach for proactive prevention is one that encourages the reporting of and learning from mistakes. To do this, pilots, air traffic controllers and all other aviation safety-professionals must be able to share information about any errors or mishaps in an environment based on trust, one which neither entails blame nor leads to ungrounded prosecution.
This is why aviation safety professionals were actively advocating for the so-called ‘Just Culture’ principles all along the legislative process. These principles aim at encouraging open exchange of information about any events or mistakes.
The new ORR, with ECA at its foreront, made a major contribution to strengthening this Just Culture approach. Among others, it contains provisions against the inappropriate use of safety information and for a strict protection of the reporter of a safety occurrence. It also describes how the Just Culture principle is guaranteed and implemented within each company, including a ‘whistle-blowing’ mechanism on which individuals can rely on in case this Just Culture principle has been violated.
The Just Culture related provisions constitute an important central pillar of the new OR system, as everyday reality shows that establishing a proper safety culture at company level – even with a good legal framework – remains a challenging task; barriers still discourage professionals from reporting safety occurrences. Any occurrence going unreported reduces the ability to learn from it and to prevent it from turning into an accident.
The new ORR therefore is an important step to overcome these reporting barriers and to set up a proactive approach to prevent air accidents and loss of life.
One central pillar of Europe’s new OR system is the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) which receives a key role to play. The ORR enshrines EASA’s active involvement in a number of concrete ways:
Such a central role for EASA is a must for the new OR system to run smoothly and in a coordinated manner, while allowing Member States to remain fully involved and engaged.