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ECA Member Associations

Since its creation in 1991, ECA's membership has witnessed a steady growth both in numbers and geographical reach - in line with developments in the EU. In May 1998, ECA expanded its membership to pilots from EFTA Countries (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland), followed in 2004 by Flight Crew unions from the new EU Member States (Czech Republic, Poland, Cyprus) and Turkey, as well as from the Balkan and Baltic Region (Croatia, Slovenia, Latvia, FYROM/Macedonia, Serbia & Montenegro) in 2005.

In 2006, further pilot associations from Bulgaria and Estonia joined as full members, and the Cockpit Personnel Association of Russia joined ECA as its first "associate member". In 2007, the Hungarian pilots' association joined, followed in February 2008 by the Lithuanian and Maltese associations. In November 2008 the associations of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ALPAB) and Montenegro (MonALPA) joined as full members. November 2009 saw the addition of the Romanian association as a full member and the Ukranian association as an associate member.

In June 2014, ECA welcomed two associate members from outside the European region with which ECA has been involved in a privileged relationship since a number of years and cooperating on a number of issue areas: Israel ALPA (ISRALPA) and Moroccan ALPA (AMPL). In the coming years, ECA expects further increase in membership within the wider European region.

All ECA Member Associations are also members of the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (IFALPA). This ensures a close coordination of activities, positions and policy statements. Following the signature in 2003 of a cooperation agreement between ECA and IFALPA (which clarified that pilot representation in Europe is the responsibility of ECA – in cooperation with IFALPA), both organisations took their cooperation an important step further, by signing a comprehensive cooperation agreement in 2006. By means of this agreement, and in addition to its role as an autonomous voice of European pilots, ECA takes on the role of IFALPA's "European region", thereby also representing IFALPA in Europe.

Membership List (update February 2024)
Country Member Association
Austria Austrian Cockpit Association (ACA)
Belgium Belgian Cockpit Association (BeCA)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (limited) Association of Airline Pilots in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ALPAB)
Bulgaria Bulgarian Airline Pilots Association (BUL-ALPA)
Croatia Croatian Airline Pilots Association (CRO-ALPA)   
Cyprus Pancyprian Airline Pilots Union (PALPU)
Czech Republic Ceské sdružení dopravních pilot CSA (CZALPA)
Denmark Danish Airline Pilots Association (DALPA)
Estonia (limited) Estonian Airline Pilots Association (Estonian ALPA) 
Finland Finnish Pilots Association (FPA)
France Syndicat national des Pilotes de Ligne (SNPL)
Germany Vereinigung Cockpit
Greece (limited) Hellenic Airline Pilots Association (HALPA)
Hungary Hungarian Airline Pilots' Association (HUNALPA)
Iceland Félag Íslenskra Atvinnuflugmanna (FIA) 
Ireland Irish Airline Pilots Association (IALPA)
Italy Associazione Nazionale Professionale Aviazione Civile (ANPAC) 
Latvia Latvian Aviation Union
Lithuania (limited) Lithuanian Airline Pilots' Association (LIT-ALPA)
Luxembourg Association Luxembourgeoise des Pilotes de Ligne (ALPL)
FYR Macedonia
Air Line Pilot Association of The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (ALPA-FYROM)
Malta ALPA-M
Montenegrin Airline Pilots' Association (MonALPA) 
Netherlands Vereniging van Nederlandse Verkeervliegers (VNV)
Norway Cockpit Association of Norway (NF) 
Portugal Associação dos Pilotos Portugueses de Linha Aérea (APPLA)
Romania FPU Romania
Serbia Serbian Cockpit Association (SCA) 
Slovenia Air Line Pilots' Association of Slovenia (ALPA-SL)
Spain Sindicato Español de Pilotos de Líneas Aéreas (SEPLA) 
Sweden Svensk Pilotförening (SPF)
Switzerland AEROPERS
Turkey Turkey Airline Pilots’ Association (TALPA)
United Kingdom British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA)
Country Associate Member
Israel  Israel Air Line Pilots Association (ISRALPA) 
Marocco  Moroccan ALPA (AMPL)
Ukraine  UALPA


Join Us!

Are you a national association of airline pilots?

Join the European Cockpit Association (ECA) today for free and experience what we have to offer.

With our progressive membership fee, your association will get membership for free the first year of joining, and benefit from a 50% discount on the second year.

We Offer
  • The services and expertise of a dedicated team of staff in Brussels & pilot representatives from airline pilot associations defending the interests of European pilots
  • Guides and toolkits
  • Benchmarking of Terms and Conditions
  • Responses to information requests
  • ECA’s monthly newsletter Cockpit News
  • Access to trusted Loss of Licence providers
  • A database of knowledge, including legal, of the airline industry
  • Access to ECA Crew Room
  • The possibility to influence EASA and aviation policy on the highest level

We hope that your association decides to join ECA and become part of this community. The stronger ECA is, the more we can do for you, for your association, for all European pilots and for the safety of European aviation.

Contact for more information.

Loss of License Insurance

This is probably the most important cover that an airline pilot can have. Most pilots are only too aware of how relatively insignificant health problems, which would not stop a desk-based employee working, can result in suspension of their flying License. The European Cockpit Association has gathered the information regarding Loss of License Insurance schemes from selected providers and made them available for members. You can find this information brochure by logging in to the Crew Room.  For more details contact