The Working Group on aircrew of the EU Sectoral Social Dialogue in Civil Aviation decided to start a dialogue on “outsourcing to temporary workers, independent and self-employed workers in aircrew.” In order to facilitate the dialogue, the Social Partners decided to organise a study. The EU has accepted the project and granted funds for financing a study and organising a conference on the subject of “Atypical forms of aircrew employment in the European aviation industry (with a focus on bogus self employment).”
Research and preparation of a study on ‘Atypical forms of aircrew employment in the European aviation industry (with a focus on bogus self employment)’ and presentation of the study during a Conference. For the purpose of the study, “atypical work” constitutes all forms of work that is not direct and indefinite employment, including hybrid contracts or undeclared work.
This will be carried out on the basis of: an analysis of existing literature; and field research in 10 selected countries when required, with the assistance of social partners of the Aircrew Working Group of the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee on Civil Aviation responsible for the organisation of the Study (namely the European Cockpit Association (ECA), the Association of European Airlines (AEA) and the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF). The Study outcome and Conference should be structured so as to best assist the Aircrew Working Group in determining any action to be undertaken on this subject.