A picture is worth a thousand words. An Instagram of Norwegian’s inaugural Oslo-Las Vegas flight with a complete THAI cabin crew is probably worth 5 times more.
We are struggling, however, how to interpret this image. Because it seems the airline proudly promotes its Asian cabin crew on a transatlantic flight. Surprising – considering the repeated denial by the company that it is using Asian crew. As Bjorn Kjos – Norwegian’s CEO – recently told The Times (June 2016): “We don’t have any Bangkok crew or Asian crew in Ireland or other places. You don’t have to be Einstein to understand that.”
We are not Einstein. Maybe that’s why we keep seeing 100% Thai cabin crew in the picture.
Definitely something to be clarified to EU and US decision makers. With the pending approval for a foreign air carrier permit for Norwegian’s Irish subsidiary NAI, the US DOT will need to know if the Norwegian’s pledge to use “only European & U.S. pilots and crews on NAI transatlantic flights” (letter to US DOT, June 2015) still stands. Because it’s starting to get confusing.
And let’s not forget: EU Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc has threatened the US with arbitration, as NAI has not been approved, yet. Is Mrs Bulc promoting Asian crew on board of Irish registered EU carriers?