Ryanair’s longest-serving pilot Captain John Goss has been awarded the Presidential Citation for his outstanding contribution to the pilot profession by the International Federation of Airline Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA). This highest award by IFALPA acknowledges Capt. Goss’ professionalism as an airline pilot and recognises his exceptional commitment to the Ryanair pilot community.
Captain John Goss’ 26-year long career as an airline pilot with Ryanair has not always been without difficulties. Despite his excellent qualifications, operational skills and attention to safety, in 2004 he took High Court proceedings in Ireland to protect himself from unfair dismissal. His honesty and determination helped him retain his job, while continuing to grow, learn and focus on safety of civil aviation.
“Capt. Goss’ determination to seek justice and stand up for the rights and concerns of the entire pilot community is a particularly honourable act”, says Nico Voorbach, President of ECA. “He showed us that being an excellent pilot goes together with core values such as responsibility, fairness and honesty. This award comes at a very challenging moment when Ryanair pilots are in the process of organizing themselves within the Ryanair Pilot Group while reports continue to emerge about Ryanair’s employment model being investigated by a number of authorities across Europe. We hope this award will reinforce Ryanair pilots’ determination to strive for fair employment conditions and continue to be united in their effort.”
Recently, German tax authorities have raided the private homes of Ryanair pilots as part of an investigation into the employment model, based on a complex system of contractual relationships and broker agencies used by the airline. Similarly, Italian and French authorities have initiated legal proceedings against Ryanair for failure to pay appropriate social insurance contributions in their respective countries.
“Capt. Goss’ acceptance speech during IFALPA’s 68th Annual Conference in Dublin, reminded us about his personal experience and the situation of his fellow-pilots within Ryanair” says ECA Secretary General Philip von Schöppenthau. “He stressed the implications such personal distress can have on the ability of pilots to perform their duties safely, and reminded national aviation authorities to act on pilots’ reports about potential cracks in their companies’ safety culture.”
For further information, please contact:
Nico Voorbach, ECA President, Tel: +32 491 378 982
Philip von Schöppenthau, ECA Secretary General, Tel: +32 2 705 32 93